Getting Started with PathAdvisor

Looking for the first assessment in PathAdvisor? Go to Career Decision Profile.

Time to Complete

2 minutes


Welcome to PathAdvisor! In a 20-minute professional development assignment, individuals learn about themselves and how to strengthen their academic and career well-being for lifelong success.

PathAdvisor contains two short, scientifically valid assessments:

  1. Career Decision Profile, a 5-minute snapshot of where students are on their career and education decision journey and how they feel about it,
  2. Career Key Discovery, a 10-minute scientifically valid personality and interest inventory based on Holland’s Theory of Career Choice. Students identify their best-fit thriving and promising work and academic environments, often customized to a particular University or institution.


  • Watch short video overview of PathAdvisor
  • Learn about the 3 research frameworks behind it from positive psychology, academic advising and career development
  • Explore the benefits to students and faculty/advisors
  • Learn about Career Key Central resources and how to use them
  • Experience PathAdvisor yourself

Use Central’s Resources

We organize what you need to take action and make action easy and effective.

Walk Through as a Student

Part of getting ready to use PathAdvisor is to experience it yourself. Your organization should have a demo link for you to use – as your administrator.

Review the results of the two assessments and walk through the complete PathAdvisor experience yourself. What was important to you in any decisions you might need to make (choice of major, career path)? We’ve all made career and education choices and can relate to the opportunities and challenges they bring.

Your personal experience with PathAdvisor will help you engage and answer questions with discoverers.

Tips for starting and returning to PathAdvisor

  • Share your organization’s PathAdvisor link with students using your Learning Management System (LMS) in your course “shell” or course home page.
  • Students receive an email with a link that returns them to your organization’s PathAdvisor access link.
  • Please submit your feedback on what’s working and questions you’d like answered, and we’ll respond and take action on it in Career Key Central.
Next Step:  Service Levels for PathAdvisor


Support > Manage Discoverers